Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Losing my blogging virginity...

Well here goes...

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while and wanted to do so as soon as I got my exams out of the way and had more time. I guess it'd be appropriate to explain why.

1. I haven't live in Ireland since 2005 and it's getting harder and harder to keep in touch with old friends. I'm hoping that people might check in here from time to time if they want to check whether or not I'm still alive. Perhaps it might even inspire you to drop me an email!

2. I studied International Politics before completing my PGCE in Citizenship Education and I'm now only a thesis away from my MA in Citizenship Education. As a result, I have a lot to say about politics, identity, citizenship, and so on... However, I find it really hard to talk about these things in person. It seems as though everyone has an opinion and I guess I'm just not patient enough for that..

3. Sometimes I think I keep things to myself too much and I'm hoping this blog can give me somewhere to vent. I'm not planning on sharing my blog address widely so I'm hoping I can be pretty honest on here without openly offending anyone. Yeah, we'll see how that goes.

4. I have a broad range of interests ranging frm music (singing), chess, poker, reading, education, politics, human rights, travel, current affairs and running. I'm hoping I can share my thoughts with others and benefit from your different opinions, recommendations, and so on. Honestly, I'm not at all sure what's going to come from this.

I suppose I should introduce myself a bit more clearly. My name is Brian and I'm from Co. Donegal, Ireland. I started teaching for fun a long time ago and completed my Post-graduate Diploma in Education (eaching certificate) in 2006. I moved to South Korea where I've been working most of the time since then. I currently teach English (language) at a women's university in northern-Seoul. I have also spent time teaching in Argentina and England. I'm doing my MA in Citizenship Education with the Institute of Education through the University of London External Program. I finished exams last week so hope to start my thesis in September and have my MA this time (June) next year.

I come from a family of 7 and grew up on a farm in a rural area near a coastal town on the northern coast of Ireland. I have 4 sisters and a good relationship with my mother and father. I only really see them about once a year these days (perhaps aiding the 'good relationship'!). I'm planning on going home for Christmas again this year.

I have been dating a Korean girl called Park Ji Young (Sophia) for almost a year. I met her when I was singing in my band at her local bar and talked to her afterward.

Ok I think that's enough for today. If you've read this far then you'll realise that I'm not writing one of those witty, engaging blogs you see a lot (and that I'm jealous of!). This is a blog which will change from day to day, which is for me and those I care about. If I attract a few other readers then great, but it's not my intention.

I hope everyone is having a great day wherever you are in the world.

This has been fun! How many more I wonder...

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