Thursday, 18 November 2010

Just Couldn't Be Bothered

Alright I haven't blogged all week and I'm forcing myself to now even though I don't have any idea what I'm going to say. This has been one of those weeks where I just couldn't really have been bothered to do very much of anything at all. In saying that, I have somehow managed not to really fall behind on anything (other than this blog - but nothing important!). Monday was... Monday. Tuesday was a second Monday as we headed out for Tommy's birthday the night before. Wednesday was a third Monday because I'm old and it takes me an incredibly long time to get over the weekend, never mind adding an extra night on Monday! I have just about returned to normality today, hence my feeble attempt at giving you an update.

Alright here goes - long and very tiring Saturday. Volunteering at Yongsan International School of Seoul as a judge for their debating competition. Heading over to Hongdae for rehearsal. Managing to keep the energy levels up (drinking Guinness and watching footie at Gerry's takes it out of you). Really really fun gig at FF. High-energy, tight performance, great crowd. It was up there with the good old U R Seoul days, but not quite just yet...

Ok I think it's clear my heart isn't in it today. Could be something to do with the fact that my youngest sister is celebrating her seventeenth birthday. I'm not quite sure how that has happened. I actually remember the day she was born because my Dad, bizarrely, took me out of school early before driving to Letterkenny at about 100 the whole way (exaggeration alert) in the vain hope of being there on time to welcome her into the world. We didn't get there on time (thankfully) but I saw her at only a few minutes old. Obviously I'm very proud of the beautiful, talented, warmhearted young woman she's turning out to be. I can't claim that there isn't a fair dollop of guilt at the recent years of her life that I have effectively missed out on. I'll be glad to get home for a couple of weeks soon, I can tell you that for sure.

I had been hoping to add a video from our FF gig last Saturday but, low and behold, I can't figure out how to. Let me get back to you on that one. Hope you're having a good week and feeling more inspired than I am. I'll try my best to be more interesting tomorrow. No promises...

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