Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Move Along Now

Holy crap guys (and girls.... in Seoul.... and the surrounding areas)! Some nice weather we've been getting, eh? Always makes me think of how my students screw up their faces when I answer in reply to their query that the weather in Ireland is pretty rainy... a lot of the time... Oh my God! How awful! Yeah - it's never anything as bad as this nonsense, (mainly) ladies. I can barely believe I'm saying this, but I'd actually love to be getting drenched in one of those deceptively wetting drizzles on my way down to Moville. I can barely even leave the house here today - and my ceiling is leaking!! Scary times. Stay safe out there!

T minus nine days for me already. Throw in Jisan this weekend (if the weather let's up, WHICH IT WILL!!) and I'm running round like a headless chicken trying to do all those things you need to do when you're leaving a country PLUS arranging a Chinese work visa PLUS finishing off a dissertation. Fun times abound. Actually, they do. I've been getting a bit emotional with my 'last this' and 'last that' these days but it's much better to be mourning the end of a brilliant chapter of your life than willing away each agonising minute that remains. I actually need to run right now. Korea people: stay safe. Moville people: enjoy this new festival, whatever it is. Everyone else: I love you in my own special way UNLESS I don't really know you and you're just reading to judge, criticise, and make yourself feel better about your own shitty life. Only kidding! Kind of... To sum up, I hope you're all really well, or really shitty. Night!

Oh! Annie has started up her blog again. If you don't know who Annie is then take a look and prepare to be entertained and impressed by her self-assured bitchiness. If you do know who Annie is, then you probably know what to expect!

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