Tuesday 1 February 2011

More Out Of Left Field

As though pondering the prospect of moving to Egypt (ongoing) wasn't enough, I now have the possibility of moving to Kazakhstan or Papua, Indonesia, to chew on. Neither are at all concrete; both got in touch specifically to make me aware of the challenging circumstances of the locations before I proceed with my application. Confidence inspiring, it is not. Still, I am up for a challenge and an experience that I'll remember forever. I love where I live and what I do, but it appears that it takes a stronger person than me to stave off that feeling of the mundane that creeps in from time to time. Not much time on the planet, lots of things to see and so. Mind you, the email from the principal in Papua didn't paint a pretty picture. Some of it is unrepeatable on here in case my mother pays an unexpected visit!

I'm still thinking about Cairo, watching things unfold, trying to envisage what life would be like there, and trying to come to a decision that feels right, whilst still being rational! To be fair, the school is still meeting other applicants, so the decision could easily be taken out of my hands. The situation in Egypt seems to be heading towards a measure of inevitability, and with what happened in Tunisia and what's happening in Jordan, it brings to mind the snowballing revolutionary movements across Eastern Europe over the late-eighties and early-nineties. I wonder what modern-day Havels and Walesas are carving out their own and their countries' future as we go about our daily lives, unable to grasp the tension and sense of expectation they must be experiencing. I don't agree with over-playing the role of people in bringing about changes such as these (there are bigger forces at play, just as in Eastern Europe in the eighties), but it's hard not to be strengthened by images of squares full of people celebrating the ability to dissent, perhaps for the first time in their lives!

Well, this will more than likely be it from me for the next few days. Ji and I are going to Shanghai in the morning until Sunday. Looks like mild weather. I think I have packed everything I'll need. All visas and so on appear to be in order. Hopefully it will all go according to plan. Ok, a slightly merry Ji has just come in, so I better go help her pack. Did you pick that up? I have already packed, she hasn't? Did you get that? I'm great? Right? Happy lunar new year everyone, I'll write more after the weekend.

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